Park Cannon



Representative Park Cannon is a Democrat running for a fifth term in the Georgia House of Representatives.

Cannon’s own words on why she ran:

I ran for this seat because I represent what is lacking at the Capitol. Women are dramatically underrepresented. We make up 54% of the state’s population yet are only 23% of the elected officials. The statistics involving African-American women are even worse. I have locked hair. I identify as queer. I grew up in a single parent household that was shaped by domestic violence. I love my middle class multi-generational home. I grew up with celebrities’ kids and kids who went home to no lights. I was even homeless for a semester in college. I think that where you come from and what you have seen along the way matters, as we are made of these experiences. There is not ONE District 58 – there is a rainbow of experiences and needs. There is not ONE Georgia – there is a sea of working families and small businesses that need a voice.


Running for:
State House
