Carmen Rivera
Carmen Rivera is a Democrat running for Renton City Council (Position 2, At-Large).
Carmen Rivera was elected in November 2021 as the first openly queer person, first Boricua, and youngest Latina to be elected to Renton City Council. She is the second youngest woman to be elected and is the youngest current serving city council member at the age of 35. Born and raised in Renton, Carmen is a first generation Rentonite who worked her way to be the youngest Juvenile Rehabilitation Coordinator in Washington State, where she supported transition services, advocated for residents, and helped spearhead LGBTQ and gender-responsive youth programming on campus. Carmen is currently the Assistant Dean for Student Engagement for the College of Arts and Sciences at Seattle University and an Assistant Teaching Professor for Department of Criminal Justice, Criminology, and Forensics.
Running for:
Renton City Council, (Position 2, At-Large)