LPAC on Super Tuesday in Vice



In all, more than 300 LGBTQ women will compete for a place at the table in the 2020 primaries by running for office at the national, state, and local levels.

Lisa Turner, political director of the LGBTQ political action group LPAC, said these races are critical to ensuring politics is no longer “comprised predominantly of straight white men.” She pointed to a 2018 survey from the political action group Victory Fund showing that the U.S. would need to elect 50 times more LGBTQ people to office to match the size of the country’s queer and trans community.

“We know that the government delivers better outcomes for everyone when it is more representative of the people it is serving, but women and LGBTQ people—and the perspectives they bring about the issues that are important for their communities—continue to be vastly underrepresented,” Turner told VICE.

Read the rest of “Super Tuesday Was Queer As Hell” here.


Original Posting by:
March 4, 2020

In the NewsTeam LPAC