LPAC Featured in the 19th News



Charlotte Clymer, LGBTQ+ activist and former rapid response Human Rights Campaign press secretary, will be the first transgender person to join the board of the LPAC, a Super PAC founded by lesbians, the group’s executive director Lisa Turner told The 19th. 

LPAC, a hybrid PAC/super PAC that can fundraise directly for candidates and accept unlimited contributions for ads or other election messaging, has raised roughly $6 million over the last few years as it funds LGBTQ+ women running for office and Democratic candidates who support LGBTQ+ rights…

She also joins the organization as it works to understand how voters are responding to transgender issues. LPAC recently undertook its first national survey, alongside Lake Research Partners, to explore how voters feel about trans issues such as access to youth sports and gender-affirming care. 

Some of the data collected in the survey of 800 registered voters, plus voters in swing congressional districts, could give LPAC an opportunity to target young Republicans on trans issues, Lake Research President Celinda Lake told LPAC board members in a research briefing earlier this month.

Read the full story from The 19th News here.


Original Story by:
The 19th News,
December 1, 2021

In the NewsTeam LPAC