LPAC Featured in the Boston Globe



LPAC Executive Director Lisa Turner was recently quoted in The Boston Globe. See below:

And while Healey has carved a strong path for herself, with nearly $5 million currently in her campaign account, activists say gay candidates — and especially women — still need additional support.

“The financial playing field is not equal,” said Lisa Turner, executive director of LPAC, a super PAC that supports the interests of lesbians. “Even when you compare gay men to women, it’s not equal. If it was a straight man and a lesbian, it’s very unequal.”

Turner said that across the country, LGBTQ women are still seen as less viable in many places, and don’t always receive the institutional support Healey has enjoyed. They get primaried, she said, and are seen as “less than.”

“This is harder than it looks. And Maura makes it look easy,” Turner said. “She is the epitome of the perfect candidate, and it’s not always easy. . . . It’s a perfect fit for these open LGBTQ women who are such fierce people and incredible individuals to hold these offices.”

Since she first ran for office, Healey has been bolstered by LGTBQ advocacy groups, both in contributions and endorsements.

Read the full story from The Boston Globe here.


Original Story by Samantha J. Gross in The Boston Globe,
June 2, 2022

In the NewsTeam LPAC